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UWAMAHORO Racheal 19 years is a senior 5 student at MCE FAWE Girls Gahini. Racheal has three siblings and she is the third born daughter of Mayira Sylvestre and Mukarutabana Seraphine. Racheal was previously chased from ES Kabarondo
where she was undertaking her Senior 4 studies and after receiving the scholarship she commented, “My life began a fresh and this time with a bang.

I go to school in time because I am given transport, I have full security in school because I will not be sent away for school fees, I get all scholastic materials and even sanitary products” Racheal dreams of becoming a bank manager in the future and from the Tuseme mentoring visits and conferences she hopes to use this skills to mentor other girls into being hopeful for a bright future.


Tags: Fawe, Education, Girls

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